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Showing posts from May, 2011

My Sunshine

I sound like a dork, but you sound like that mostly when you baby talk your kids, no? Woke up one morning to have this little girl smile right back at me, so what better way than to capture the moment on camera. :) Enjoy!

Collective Haul: MAC

Ola  SeƱoritas! (And maybe some guys too, if you're reading this.) There's some new followers, a BIG HELLO to you, thank you so much for following my blog and my journey. Anyways, i've purchased these items over a period of time, hence, Collective. It's not anything new, more like, i finally managed to get my hands on some of these very sought after items thanks to Sg_Beauty and a friend. I have to say though, i love browsing through Sg_Beauty over the weekends, as that's when there's new posts with people selling their stash. Items can be brand new, swatched or even used. So i'm glad that i came across a seller selling her backups for MAC's Stereo Rose and Petticoat MSF. Bought both for $50 each, which i guess is pretty good, since they're brand new and all, and no they are not available at MAC counters at the moment. I actually purchased Stereo Rose first and immediately fell inlove and swore that i will become a MSF junkie. I wanted to get all th


Oh wow! Parenting sure does take p all your time doesn't it? I sure have missed blogging! So how has everyone been doing? We've been doing great so far. Kiara is such a big girl now, putting on so much weight and just growing. I kinda miss the times when she was so tiny! :( They just grow so fast! And i miss my pregnant self already! Something about being pregnant made me feel so beautiful and confident. :) So Kiara is a month and a week old now. (Such a big girl! BOO!) Her sleeping patterns is pretty much about the same still. Though when she was turning into a month old, she refused to sleep through the night. Most of my friends with kids as well as my mother was saying that everytime a baby turns into a new month old, they start going through a new sleeping pattern, so Kiara was finding her new pattern that's why she refused to sleep. My friends kid actually runs a fever everytime he turns into a new month! WOW! SO as the title suggests, that's what i'd like to t