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Showing posts from September, 2011

Little Adventures; Bird Park!

I'm gonna start a new "Little Adventures" segment for my blog. :) Since K's more alert now and her eye sight is great, we've started to line up the many places we should go to and visit. Last 4 weekends ago (yes i took this long to blog about it.), we decided, lets conquer the Singapore Bird Park . I don't even rememver the last time i went there. Probably when i was still a kidling. If you thought the Singapore zoo was far, man! The Bird park is literally at the other end of Singapore!! (We're residing very much in the eastern part) Cab fare sure could kill us! Anyways, we joined Sham's colleague who was bringing her niece & nephew there together with one of her girlfriends.This is also our first time out with other toddlers/children so it was quite exciting for us to be around other kids! FYI, The SIngapore Bird Park opens from 8.30am-6pm daily. Tickets are SGD$18 for adults and for children from the age of 3-12, it is SGD$12. I know right, what

For All Mothers...

So true what it says. If you happen to read this Mum, (i know you stalk my blog sometimes! :p) thank you for always being there when i needed you the most. You're the worst critic, but i know you love me. I'm thankful for the relationship we have. I literally die when i don't get tp talk to you for a day. STOP GOING FOR HOLIDAYS!! Love you mum. And to all you Mothers out there, you're amazing. :) One day, your child will see it too. Or they have already. Goodnight from Singapore.