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Little Adventures; Bird Park!

I'm gonna start a new "Little Adventures" segment for my blog. :) Since K's more alert now and her eye sight is great, we've started to line up the many places we should go to and visit.

Last 4 weekends ago (yes i took this long to blog about it.), we decided, lets conquer the Singapore Bird Park. I don't even rememver the last time i went there. Probably when i was still a kidling. If you thought the Singapore zoo was far, man! The Bird park is literally at the other end of Singapore!! (We're residing very much in the eastern part) Cab fare sure could kill us! Anyways, we joined Sham's colleague who was bringing her niece & nephew there together with one of her girlfriends.This is also our first time out with other toddlers/children so it was quite exciting for us to be around other kids!

FYI, The SIngapore Bird Park opens from 8.30am-6pm daily. Tickets are SGD$18 for adults and for children from the age of 3-12, it is SGD$12.

I know right, what a classic picture . -__- Of all times, the bird had to choose ME to poo on. As if i don't get enough of poo action from K! Alaways, i'll let the pictures do some talking!

I must say, it was an extremely humid day, K knocked out not long after, though it was quite a short nap. We bought slushies afer slushies to cool off, the heat here in Singapore is crazy! Sham's WHOLE shirt was soaked! Imagine that! Oh, i just have to say this, besides the 'Ring Sling' or Sarong as we call it here in Asia, the BabyBjorn is our best buy ever! Sure, some can come up to almost $300++ but, it's amazing! K hates sitting in her pram, she's quite the nosey girl, so she always wants to be in a position where she can see everthing and thats where the Bjorn has been AMAZING! She loves her Sarong still, just that to her the sarong is for sleepytime and bjorn is for sight seeing. (Though i've trained her to sleep in her bjorn too!)

Well then, if you live here in Singapore, be sure to bring your kids to the bird park. I'm sure K's dying to go again! She loves birds! Sham brings her to the bird shop across the street from our house quite often, she's quite intrigued with them. Even if you don't have kids, no one is stopping you from going, i know i had a ball of a time! Till' the next litttle adventure!


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