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Showing posts from September, 2013

I owe you nothing

In the recent months, i've had a number of people ask me "You split up with your ex and you didn't tell me?! We're friends! So hurt i had to find out from Facebook?!" I don't see how that is of importance to anyone but my closest family and friends. Even my Godfather - whom my close friends know is one of the most important man in my life - found out a month or so after! I was not legally married, but we -  the ex and i - shared 4 years together, had a baby, tried to build a home and eventually, it still turned sour and went down the drain. THAT, was pretty much a marriage to me. I wasn't proud that my 'marriage' didn't work out. I wasn't proud that the whole myth of 'people who come from broken families make broken families' was some what true. I didn't feel the need to blast it to the world that my said 'marriage' has failed. I find it somewhat shameless how some people think i owe them that bit of information.