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New Paper New Face 2011


Today, i bring you news about this year's New Face competition! :) For those of you who don't live here in Singapore, the New Face competition is one of the biggest modeling competitions held here. It had unearthed beauties from all walks of life and many of whom has made quite a name for themselves in the industry. It has helped so many girls shine and achieve their goals, and i am glad to say, i made it to Top 20 last year and have graduated to the very prestigious alumni of New Face girls. :)

Every year since i joined the modeling industry, i entered a competition, to better myself and gain confidence. I remember i started off with Singtel Grid Girls back in 2008 and not having much confidence at all. But the New Face competition was something i had wanted to join since the age of 15. It took me another 2 years, to build up that confidence to go to the walk-in auditions and i am glad i did. (Spot me if you can!)

It has been such an amazing experience for me, i learned so much and it helped me boost my confidence in myself and believe that hey, a boobsie girl like me can make it too! HAHAHA. Okay, seriously, i didn't think i had a chance, you come to believe that only stick thin girls gets in, but the New Face crew saw potential in me and made me believe that i can be just as good as a stick thin girl. I forged unforgetable memories with the crew (you know who you are, Mother-Bi**h!) and formed friendships that could last a lifetime with some very special group of girls the awesome 8some we called ourselves.

Here's the shots that were taken of me and was published in the papers, oh what memories it's all bringing back now. *wipes tears*


So anyway, if you would like to join the competition this year, here's some details! :) Some of us from last year's batch will be doing some hunting for potential girls, it's not hard to spot us, we'll be wearing the famous white tank tops with the New Face logo. :) Here's some dates to remember:

  • JUNE 22ND: ST JAMES POWER STATION from 9-10pm.
  • JUNE 25TH: ORCHARD CENTRAL from 1-2pm.


Please note, you have to be between the age of 15-23. So start practicing walking in your heels, brush up on your catwalk, and we'll see you soon! :)

Good Luck!

ps: you're beautiful, no matter what anyone says. :)



  1. Is there any requirement for this?

  2. Just that you are at least 15 years of age and not 23 yet on the day of auditions. :) If you are planning to audition, please remember to take care of your skin! Your face is very important! :D

  3. what if I have already turned 23 this year? can't join? any height limit? what's with June 25 at orchard central from 1pm to 2pm?

  4. Well, you can still try, but from what i remember, if you have turned 23 already, they might not take you. But i suggest you try anyways. You never try you'll never know! :) On the 25th, some of the girl from last year will be at orchard central to scout for girls! :) So you can try get spotted by us! :D

  5. Erm, so are all the girls really tall and skinny? Is 165 tall enough?
    If you're embarrassed to try on july 3rd, should you just go on the 25th instead?
    I like your blog.

  6. Well, please don't think only tall girls can make it! Last year, one of the girl's was 1.58 or something. SO have faith! Key is to have confidence! Believe in yourself. :D Skinny? Look at me, i've got alot of curves, so i definitely don't fit into the skinny category.

    See the thing with the 25th is, we will scout for you. As you will be given a 'pass' to go direct to the closed doors auditions. So you will skip one whole audition. There are 2 auditions. The first audition will take 300+ girls or something like that. The second auditions (which is the closed door one) will cut down the girls to top 25!

    So back to topic, we scout for you, but if we don't stop you on the streets and give you a pass, you have to try on the 3rd of July. I was really nervous during the open auditions last year, but you have to have confidence in yourself!! :) And thank you so much for popping by mu blog. :D

  7. I wanna give it a try ! What will they ask during the 2nd audition? More like 'Modeling type of questions' Like which brand you wanna walk for or do a catwalk infront of them? How to practice cat walk?

  8. Hey Candayye!! :D

    @Larissa: you should give it a try!! Best thing I've ever done!! Hmm...for the closed door auditions the questions can vary from one girl to another. I guess the most common and used question is, "Tell us about yourself". Try not to give one word answers or short sentences that the panel of judges look at you like--->. ?_? But don't over talk that they have to stop you from going on and on. Tell them something that will make you stand out and remember you, like "I have one eye blue and one green" per example. You know what I mean right? As for the catwalk, you don't have to be exactly like Kate Moss, just have nice poise and nice smile. Your SMILE is the most important!!

    Good luck girls!!

  9. OKIE oops, the rest of my comment disappeared omg.
    Cheryl, any tips on how to impress! My aunt won it in 1996, but she says it's not all fun and she "ran away" after her contract ended ):

  10. Confidence is so important. And that shines through the most! And not forgetting a megawatt smile. They wanna see the real you, so don't think putting on a lot of makeup will be good, it won't. Sometimes the easiest way is to be as simple as possible! I had lots of fun to be honest. But it's not all fun and games all the time, you gotta work hard too, especially if you take modelling seriously and if that's what you'd like to do in the long run.


  12. Thank you so much!! Well, if you're coming for open auditions on the 3rd, do come say hello k? Good luck!


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