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2nd month Afterparty!!

The bubs turned 2 months old 2 days ago, 7th June. We decided to have a little celebration. Well, not really, but we decided to head out to eat and what better place than the new Marina Bay Sands!

Oh boy is that place huge! We walked about for a bit, really didn't feel like you're in Singapore. Really posh, and really expensive! Haha. I remember looking at all the different boutiques and imagining the day i walk in. heh. :p We settled on dining at Rise Restaurant, which is part of the hotel i believe. AMAZING selection of desserts for the buffet. I literally OD-ed on them, so much so, i felt i needed to puke if i ate any more panna cotta. :/

So we got home and changed Kiara and got her ready for bed, but the little lady decided she wanted to stay up. And boy did she really want to stay up! So for her 2nd month birthday, she held and afterparty. ALL THE WAY TILL 5AM!!!!

She didn't want a feed, her diaper was nice and clean and definitely not colic either. You learn after a while to differentiate your baby's cries. From hunger, to a wet nappy etc. And she she cried, or more like shouted, she just wanted attention. So we tried and tried, cradled her, cuddled her, swaddled her, sang her songs. You name it, we did it! She just didn't want to sleep. Sham and I were beyond exhausted! Finally, she decided she wanted a feed and fell asleep. Same time clubs in Singapore close, that was the same time our little munchkin decided to snooze. At 5am!

Guess it's bound to happen every now and then. Now thinking back, guess she just wanted to 'party' for her 2nd month birthday. :) Here's the pretty dress i made her wear for her special occasion. $35 from MotherCare. Should have remembered to put a bow on her head! :(

Here's a couple of pictures of her. She's more smiley now. Giggles and 'talks' alot! Oh i know she's just gonna be such a chatty girl. Then again, which girl isn't? :p

One of the positions she sleeps in. My little silly girl.


Well it's extremely late, was doing some work because it's the only time i get to when Kiara is having a long sleep. Going to tuck into bed next to my little girl and my better half. Kiara sleeps with us, only because it makes breastfeeding easier! Mastering how to breastfeed lying down is the best! That way i still get to snooze while she feeds! :)

"Close your eyes, go to sleep,
mr sandman is waiting,
just to guide you on your way,
with his basket full of dreams
and the moon, up on high
shines his light on your pillow
and the stars, in the sky
will be twinkling for you."


  1. Awww, so adorable! hehe

  2. shes so adorable!!!!!

  3. wooo!!! Chubby cheeks! and tweety bird lips! hehee... :)

  4. OMG...she is too adorableeeeeee...can I see her one day? lol

  5. Why thank you ladies!! My little chubby chops is a little big headed now that she knows she's adorable! :p and of coz you can meet her Imma!! :D


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