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Showing posts from 2012

Low Self Esteem Post-Pregnancy?!

I've had writers block for months to be honest. I felt things were just getting pretty monotonous with this blog and just lost my motivation to write for a while. Then i thought, this is not only a baby blog! It's for you, the mummies, who take the time to read about my journey. I wanted to be able to write about things that bothered me as a mom. Things that not many would write about. Things that truly were embarassing or even ashamed to talk about. So you could share this part of my journey too and know that if you feel like how i do, you are not alone! :) Well, as the title suggest, i had a bout of self esteem problems right after Kiara came along. This was totally new to me! I was always very confident about myself. I loved how i looked, talked, walked etc. I loved my flaws too. I guess that was also because i somehow managed to maintain the slim figure etc. I was even very confident about myself when i was pregnant. I felt beautiful. (Note: Not all pregnant women seems to

Baby Recipe: Chicken & Carrot Porridge [Plus Storage Solutions]

This is probably one of Kiara's favourite dishes and i believe many asian kids too! It's easy peasy to make and tastes delish! What you'll need: Minced Chicken Diced Carrots Rice (Brown Rice if you want the healthier choice) Bovril (optional) Garlic (optional) Chicken Stock (optional)   For all the items that i stated as optional, it's really up to you which you would prefer. Some would rather skip bovril & garlic and just use chicken stock, where as some would do the opposite. So that part is really up to you how you would like your baby's food to be. I personally have used all 3 methods and Kiara likes them all the same. Step 1 : Add rice and carrots into a pot of boiling water (or boiling chicken stock). You can add  finely chopped garlic if you would prefer to add more flavour to the dish. I let this simmer in for about 15/20 minutes till the carrots are relatively softer. Plus rice takes a while to cook too! Once done, add in your minced chicken which cooks

Our 1st Christmas.

**I drafted this in the start of January and realised that i never did post it. I know it's like 2 months late, but better late than never!**   December was a crazy month for me, hence the lack of updates. I was either constantly running around to get presents or attending to something else. Christmas is such a hectic festive season. Plus, the city was a mad house with crazy human traffic. So glad it's over in a way. Though, Christmas is the only thing i look forward to celebrating each year. Last year's was extra special for both Sham and I. It was our first Christmas as a family and Kiara's very first Christmas. She's still rather young so we didn't talk about Santa much. But we did fil up her little stocking to the brim with extra gifts. :D Can't wait till this year's Christmas! She'll be walking, maybe running and definitely talking. So we can start with the Santa tradition i grew up with. You know the whole glass of milk with some cookies on the


I left without saying a thing. But for those of you who follow me on Twitter would have known that i was studying like mad once it hit January for my exams that were at the start of February. I don't know if i have mentioned this before, but i am doing night classes to get my school papers done. They say, education knows no age boundaries. :)  Besides, after having a child, i'm move motivated than ever to get a good foundation done for myself. Aiming for my degree. With determination, i can achieve it! (And so can you if you are thinking of it too!) So my exams ended sometime last week. It was good to finally just be able to relax you know. The whole of January was hectic for me. I was constantly burning the midnight oil studying because it was near impossible to do so in the day when Kiara was awake. Even when she napped, i napped with her to catch up on the sleep i lost while staying up. It was pure madness. I was so so exhausted by the end of my exams. I'm currently wait