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Showing posts from 2013

I owe you nothing

In the recent months, i've had a number of people ask me "You split up with your ex and you didn't tell me?! We're friends! So hurt i had to find out from Facebook?!" I don't see how that is of importance to anyone but my closest family and friends. Even my Godfather - whom my close friends know is one of the most important man in my life - found out a month or so after! I was not legally married, but we -  the ex and i - shared 4 years together, had a baby, tried to build a home and eventually, it still turned sour and went down the drain. THAT, was pretty much a marriage to me. I wasn't proud that my 'marriage' didn't work out. I wasn't proud that the whole myth of 'people who come from broken families make broken families' was some what true. I didn't feel the need to blast it to the world that my said 'marriage' has failed. I find it somewhat shameless how some people think i owe them that bit of information.

Metamorphosis Version 20.13

It has been almost a year since i last posted anything. I appreciate all the love and messages i have received over my various social media platforms that has been nothing but encouraging and urging me to start writing (or typing) again. Well, here i am. Starting again.  I guess one could say that there has been an amazing amount of changes that has taken place in my life and Kiara's too, if i may add. So much that i don't quite know where to even begin to tell.  To get the ball rolling, i should just put it out there that yes , if you have heard the whispers, they are true. About half a year ago, i decided that it would be best for me to move forward and thus i am a single mom now. Kiara's father and i still do our very best to be awesome parents to K and that is all that really matters. Don't over read my words here, or over analyse it, it's exactly as you read it. Still being the very best we can be to our child, just doing it separately .   As with all br