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Showing posts from April, 2011

Sneak Peak: Maternity Shoot

Hey hey! I'm guessing this will be a quick post as Kiara is half asleep next to me. I have this gut feeling, she's gonna wake pretty soon. So just gonna squeeze in what i can before that happens. So today marks Kiara's 3rd week of life! What a big girl she is! We went to visit her pediatrician on Monday and glad to know that she's put on quite a bit of weight, she was 2.7kgs (5.9lbs) and now she's 3.09kgs (6.8lbs)! She's about 53cm in length too. Okay so a good friend of mine, Syra Skins , who is an amazing makeup artist, offered to do my maternity photoshoot. (Please check her out, she's got some very amazing skills and i love love love her work.) She did my makeup for this shoot, But she could only do it on the 11th of April as she was out of town for a job. For some reason, my gut feeling told me to standby and get another shoot done by my good friend who is also a photographer, Haikhal, so should i go into labour, i would have some memories of my pregnan

Labour Pains: The Great Delivery!

HEY! HEY! I was nicely counting down during one of my last few posts that i had 16 days left to my EDD. So rewind back to the week before last week, i was looking forward to Wednesday (6th April) because, one, my bestfriend Kaimana was touching down in sunny Singapore and i finally was gonna be able to spend 3 long weeks with her before she flies back home. (She lives in Alaska) She's also the Godmother of my princess, and in a way, she was also flying back for the delivery as well as her sister's and mum's birthday. I also had my weekly checkup with my OBGYN to check on my baby. So i was fully looking forward to WEDNESDAY!! So the bestfriend and her sister met me at the clinic for my checkup. (It's great to have your bestfriend by your side!!) My doc had to check how dilated i was to determine how soon or how late my delivery would be. DR HENG :'re only 1cm dilated. Don't think baby is coming anytime soon. Also your baby's head is very low. I can


This is so not part of my usual topics but i need help and advice. I recently made some purchases from a US website, buying a whole bunch of nonsense including some perfumes. (Because it WAYY cheaper) So as the merchant does not ship directly to Singapore, i decided to take a risk and get VPost to do the shipping for me since i have used them for shipping in my Victoria's Secret body mists, and that went smooth as a whistle. But now, Vpost is being an ass, and said they looked through my new invoice and spotted the perfumes, and will not ship my items to me. So i either get a courier to collect it, or dispose of my order. I am NOT going to dispose of my order. The whole order cost me $260! I must have my box of goodies.   So anyone can give me advice on how do i go about doing this? What courier can i use etc? I'll be forever thankful!

Hit List! Lisa Eldridge is one of my favourite make up guru's i religiously watch on YouTube. I love her tutorials! But with her latest video, and this is not the first time she has mentioned Bourjois products, I MUST GET MY HANDS ON THE HEALTHY MIX FOUNDIE! Please do tell Onsugarettes, where do i find a Bourjois counter here? And do they carry the chocolate bronzer here too?

L.O.T.N - Baked Naked

Bonjour! Just in case you're new to the terms, LOTN means 'Look Of The Night'. Usually it is LOTD (Look Of The Day) but i only got ready past 7pm, hence the title. I'll get into why it's Baked Naked in a bit. :p So anyways, earlier today was a special day for both Sham and I and that's why i took the extra time to pretty myself up. I'll tell all of you why in later posts as it's still under construction. All i can say is, it has been nothing but perfect. :)  I loved the look i did today, i think i looked like a doll, with perfect porcelain doll like complexion. (Well to me anyways) I purchased the much sought after Naked Palette form Urban Decay from  Hazelnutt a while back when she was clearing out some of her stash. (Thank you so much Hazel, it has been my partner in crime since!) If you don't already own the Naked Palette, please go get yourself one. That is, if nudes/browns are right up your alley. The whole of last month and now entering the ne

Finishing Touches

Hey! 2 weeks ago, i went for my first Baby Fair. Sadly, i only found out about it on the last day and rushed down to check it out just as they were packing up. I quickly rushed through the place and managed to get some necessities which i felt were the most important, BABY BOTTLES. Have you seen how ridiculous they are priced? I always thought that baby bottles were relatively cheap, but was shocked to find that a small bottle from NUK cost about $15. That's heaps in my opinion. (Maybe that is why we have a deteriorating amount of people who want to have kids here in Singapore. We're over-worked, underpaid, and baby stuff just does not come cheap) I was told that bottle sterilizers work best with their own brand of bottles. So since i received the Pigeon Sterilizer from my power couple friend, Sha and Burrell, during my shower, i tried hunting down Pigeon bottles as well. Couldn't find any, there was the ever popular Avent, 'Jolly Something' and NUK. There were some