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Showing posts from October, 2011

In mummy's footsteps?

Kiara recently went for a casting for a photoshoot requiring about 10 babies for a baby product brand. I remember dressing her up in her cutest outfit and went down to the casting location. She was in quite a bad mood that day, refusing to smile and was crying quite a bit. It was quite hard for he photographer to get a good shot of her and i remember not being in high spirits that she would even get the job. The lady taking the pictures told me to come back another day when Kiara was in a better mood so i left without thinking much of it. Then the good news came! SHE GOT SELECTED FOR THE SHOOT!! Our little girl is taking her first tiny step to the modeling industry! She's doing her shoot tomorrow morning and i can't wait to see the final outcome! I'll be sure to post the pictures here once i get them! So hip hip hooray! Here's her casting shots; I'm so excited! I can't wait for tomorrow morning! Lets hope this little girl will be in a good mood. Plus, she's

Pocket Damage: INGLOT KL [Swatchfest!]

I remember walking into Sunway Pyramid and feeling a wave of excitment that i just could not contain. I had the biggest smile on my face and bursting with imaginations of what to expect. We decided to have lunch first as we knew we were definitely going to spend an hour minumum in the store, so best get some energy from some yummy grub first! (Actually, lunch was horrible! We dined at a restaurant which served Penang laksa etc, was just not worth the money at all.) I was glad i had a fellow make-up junkie and really good friend, Aishah, who was joining me for this much anticipated journey to Sunway Pyramid. Of course, both our partners came along with Kiara in tow. :) Aishah had tried one of their flackies polish when we had our nails did with Kim a while back and was determined to get them and get them she did! In fact the minute we entered the store, she went right to the Nail Polish rack and told the lovely BA that she wanted all the flackies they had! Aishah spent a long time swat

Trust Dermablend!

Since he came out in Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' music video, i've been long obsessed with him. :p I googled non-stop till i found out who he was. Everyone loved the 'skeleton' guy in her video but not many actually knew that he actually looks like that everyday! Yes, those are his real tattoos. And i find him extremely sexy. :D Meet Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy; Sexy isn't he? Now check out this awesome new commercial from Dermablend, definitely living up to their reputation!    

Globe Trotting: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Yay! Kiara has finally taken her first flight! And what a ride it was! Amazingly, she fell right asleep when we were just about to take off en route to KL! She didn't cry or anything. Not even when we were on the way back to Singapore! So proud of our little girl. (But that's probably because KL is only about a 30 minute flight from Singapore) I'm really glad that my parents, aka Nanna & Papa, decided to join us there. Its our first family trip in years! I'm extreamly close to my family so having them around 24/7 was great! Plus that also meant extra hands to help when it came to Kiara. :) We booked an apartment at the Ascott, which is a serviced apartment, in the heart of the

Warm Greetings!

Every now and then i log into my nuffnang account where i can track how many visitors come to visit my blog and where they come from. I also get to see how some found my blog via various platforms like google, friends connect etc. And what's even more surprising is that i actually have more readers coming in from the USA! :D Thank you so much to each and every one of you who takes the time to come and read me. Seeing my amount of readers multiply all the time is what keeps me motivated to write more. Thank you. :)

Pocket Damage: September [Picture Heavy!!]

I did quite a fair bit of hauling in September. :p (Sham if you're reading this, it makes me very happy, like how happy a fat kid gets when you bring him to a candy store) So i decided to wait till the end of the month to post up, well i'm a couple of days late, but here's my damage! So if you're not already suscribed to the Pixiwoo sisters on YouTube, what are you waiting for? Hop along now! So anyways, one of the sisters, Samantha Chapman, created the amazing brushes that everyone has been talking about, Real Techniques and they've been using it constantly in their videos. The one brush that caught my eye the most was the Deluxe Crease Brush which, they have been using for concealer! I loved how flawless it left them and knew right away i had to get them! (Funny because i usually would reach for foundation/blush/stippling brushes first!) (L-R: Deluxe Crease Brush, Base Shadow Brush, Accent Brush, Eyeliner Brush & Eyebrow Brush) I also picked up some MAC good

What's in your Diaper Bag?

Prior to having Kiara, i always wondered why parents were lugging around this huge bag on top of having to push a stroller with a baby. I thought, "Seriously? Aren't you carrying just a little too much?" Boy was i wrong! Now that i have a child, i can totally relate! I always pack spares now. I learnt my lesson! You never know when your child might dirty themselves. And trust me, it always happens! So here's how my diaper bag looks like. (Thank you mum for giving it to me!) Its from Kipling. It also comes with a changing pad too! It's funny because my step dad actually bought that bag for my mum without realising that it was a diaper bag. She likes big chunky bags thats why! The inner organizer piece that holds everything in place can be taken out, but i like that it has extra pockets to store other things like extra clothes, burp cloths, pacifier and bottle nipple wipes etc. The side pockets are the perfect size to put in our nappy cream as well as the milk powde

Whats New: Lip Tattoos?

As most of you would know by now, 2 weekends ago, was the week for crazy massive parties all thanks to F1 happening at the same time. Last year we, Sham & I, went to Avalon At Large at the Marina Bay Convention center with a bunch of our friends and had a ball of a time. So knowing that they were having it again this year, especially with Benny Bennasi (one of my favourite DJ's) as well as the much anticipated Sander Van Doorn, we knew we just had to go again! Thanks to my parents who also agreed that Sham & I should have some couple time to have some fun and just chill since being proud new parents kindly babysat Kiara for us just for that weekend while we got dressed in our dancing shoes for the night of laser lights & awesome beats. Just before we entered, we all just did a pit stop into the ladies & gents to freshen up and as i was in there re-applying some lipstick, i spotted a lady with a weird coloured lipstick. Upon closer inspection, i realized that it was

Marks of Love

I know my stretch marks that i started getting as soon as i hit 8 months pregnant, which has lasted me till now, always seemed to bug me. They're not as dark and as yucky looking as they were at the beginning. They're stating to fade to white but i can still see them. I felt so insecure about them for such a long time. Plus modeling before also meant that going back to modeling now, i had something to cover up, something to hide. But then i came across this picture and i have to say, it made me feel better. Made me proud to carry these marks. It was all worth it, every line, every scar, every ounce of pain i felt. I would do it again. A million times in fact. Because what i had in return, is such a beautiful little angel. I still tear up when i think about Kiara. She's been so amazing. She's changed my life, thought me patience and thought me to love to a whole new level. So here's to you, all you Mothers. Don't feel ashamed of them anymore. Wear them proudly. I