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Introducing Solids

2 days after Kiara turned 4 months old, (that was on the 7th of August) i decided to start introducing some solid food to her.

Before anyone starts telling me when is the ideal time to introduct solids to a baby, let me just state my piece. When a mother feels her child is ready to move on to the next step of solids, she would know best. :) I have watched for the signs, Kiara showed interest in our food when we eat, often opening her mouth or 'chewing' like there was food in her mouth. Besides, you can introduce solids to your baby from the age of 4 months onwards. :) Or you could check with your Pediatrician if you want to be extra sure.

I'm only going to start making her food from scratch when she's 6 months as i'm too afraid i don't manage to puree it properly and it might cause her to choke so we're happy to make our way down to Cold Storage and grab some. There's many different kinds, there's even organic ones which comes in some pretty amazing flavours. (My mum buys them for her house as she baby sits K twice a week) FYI, K isn't on organic food only. She's doing mostly normal ones, just for different flavours my mother buys the organic ones.

If you're new or just about to start your baby on solids and you decide to buy it off the shelves, be sure to check the packaging. Like the above picture, Gerber Baby goes by numbers, 1 or 2 etc.

  • 1 for 4 months onwards
  • 2 for 6 months onwards


And for Heinz, they do a wider age group stating from 4-6months all the way up to 1-3 years! I don't have a preference to which brand i prefer more but i ave to say Heinz has more vegetable mixes for Kiara's age group where as Gerber has more fruits. So i usually buy an equal amount. She also eats Frisco Cereal every alternate day and for her last feed before sleep, i give her a bottle with a tablespoon of Frisco for a heavier feed. (She still wakes in the middle of the night to breastfeed though)

K's already got her favourites! Carrots, Pumpkin & Beef and she loves Applesauce! Though, she can't take carrots too often in a week. (They can turn orange! Google it if you don't believe me!) She also has started taking some baby juice which i still water down, during meal times. I look forward to feeding times, its always so fun to introduce new foods to her. Now that she's almost 6 months, i can't wait to start doing her food from scratch at home. As a baby i loved pork & fish porridge. I wonder what she'll love? :) I'll leave you with the very first video we took of her when we introduced solids, till the next one!



  1. aw such a cute baby girl!

  2. She is soooo adorable! hehe!

  3. LOL at the they can turn orange part! Her cheeks are sooo cute!


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