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3 Months & 4 Days old!

Oh boy!

It's been a while hasn't it? I don't mean to neglect, but i guess its harder to put aside time to blog these days especially since Baby K always wants me around her. We've been staying at the in-law's place the last 3 weeks, hence no blog updates. But, we're back home now. So how is everyone doing? We've been really good! Here's some updates!

We went for K's follow up for her jabs last monday. It's her second dosage for Hep B etc till she's 6 months before she needs to go for the next round. Surprisingly, she was really good! I thought she would be ballin'her eyes out, but she cried for all of 2mins before she was back to her normal bubbly self! Our PD told us that she might burn up with a fever, but she didn't and slept well through the night. Of course, she still woke up for her feeds. :)

However, today we noticed that her breathing was hard and somewhat blocked. She kept waking up many times in discomfort the whole of last night! Plus i noticed that she was couching and throwing up a little. We decided to bring her in to see her PD. Unfortunately, our own PD was unavailable, so we went to one that is at Forum that is called Olive Tree Baby & Kids Clinic. Dr Tan came highly recommended by Sham's parents as well as his bestfriend, so why not give her a try! And my gosh! I LOVE her! It may be just one visit, but she was really in depth in explaining things to us, as she does not immediately lean towards medication! She in fact, tells us to try more organic/natural ways before going on medication. I was telling Sham that we should change our PD. I like her THAT much. Please click on the link for more info. :)

K's put on quite a bit of weight too, she's now 5.38kg and stands at about 59.5cm. She now knows how to pull our fingers and put it into her mouth, she does NOT like pacifiers which is a good thing. She loves to suck her hands and if she manages to, she'll suck her thumb. :) HEr neck has always been pretty strong, though she still bobs her head every now and then.

She's started to use her BabyBjorn which is great because she used to cry when we put her in it. So real glad that she's taking to it. :) I'm still breastfeeding, and she's more dependent on the boobs than the bottle, which can make it pretty hard when i'm not around, as she likes to go on the boobs to fall asleep. :l We've gotten her to have some proper routine when it comes to her nap time in the afternoons.

  • 1st Nap at about 12/1pm
  • 2nd nap at about 3/4pm


It used to be so hard to get her to sleep before! Finally managed to get some sort of a routine going. :D Finally, she isn't so nocturnal anymore! She goes to bed at about 9/10pm every night, depending on how fast she falls asleep. so YAY!!!  Well, i'm off to put her to sleep! Thanks for taking the time to read, will update more soon! Love love! Xx



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