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Showing posts from 2011

Pregnancy test Positive! Now what?!

You've had 'that' gut feeling for a while now. So you make your way down to your local pharmacy and pick up a box of pregnancy test kit. There's been some cases where a particular brand may not give you an accurate result so grab a few more just in case. You quickly rush home and take the test. It confirms your suspecions, YOU ARE PREGNANT!!! You jump around with much joy panting away thinking of all the great things to look forward to. Is it a boy or a girl, how will the baby look like, what will be the name, baby clothes, pram...the list goes on. And then, the sudden pause. Now, how do you share this exciting news to your family, husband/boyfriend, friends etc. (Some people say you should only start telling the 'world' once you passed 3 months.) But after all that is done, NOW WHAT? The first step, creating a PRE-BIRTH PLAN. :) Ask yourself, What kind of Doctor would you like? Private or Government? Which hospital would be great? What kind of birth would you l

Awesome Finds: Nappies & Baby Milk for less!

Oh another fabolous find! I found this from a friend of mine via facebook. She had posted it on her page for all mummies and i'm so glad that i clicked that link. (Ruby, if you're reading this, thank you!) So this has got to be the best online purchase thus far! This seller carries a whole bunch of dirrerent nappies you could ever want. From Drypers, Huggies, Mamy Poko to Pet Pet. She has them all! What's even more exciting is that she carries popular brands of milk powder too! You can see Frisco, Similac, Gain IQ just to name a few. So i made a purchase with her on Saturday and managed to collect my goods from her yesterday evening.(Sunday) Can you imagine? Those 3 items cost me $96! In stores, a 1.6kg of Mamil Gold Step 1 would cost about $72 while Huggies Ultra in a pack of 40 would cost about $17++ almost $18. In her store, i bought the milk for $68 and the nappies for $14 a packet!! That's about $12 in savings!!!      **She does not carry the pack of 64 for the Ult

Awesome Finds: Munchkin Foodies Store

Eeks! I thought i had posted this last night! Sorry for the delay. (Before we jump right into this post, i'd like to apologise for the low quality of the pictures. Its 1.06am and i just took pictures of the items. But i hope i managed to tweak it a little so it comes out fine.) Anyways, i found this online shop, Munchkin Foodies Store a while ago but because Kiara was not at the age yet for snacks/chippies, i had to wait till she was. I did buy some from Cold Storage/NTUC Fairprice earlier on. In fact i started Kiara on some biscuits first. She loves this Take One Bite brand especially the crarrot flavoured version. Quite yummy! I started her on that when she was about 5 months. She now gobbles it down like a Pro! :p After that, i introduced her to Gerber Baby Puffs. She does not know how to hold them with her thumb and forefinger yet, so i help pop it into her mouth. She does however hold her bigger biscuits, that is, if she's not beling lazy. (She like to just leave the whol

Baby Recipe: Potato, Sweet Potato & Tuna Pasta

A few days ago i decided to try out a recipe i found online. It sounded delicious, well in a baby delicious sorta way! :p So let's jump right into it. Here's a list or more like pictures of the items you will need to create this dish for your bubs. I know i did not state any carrots in the title, but i did add in some, purely just for colour. Well and K loves carrots, but i added just a tiny bit. So there you have; Heinz Baby Pasta Stars (You can get this from any leading supermarkets) Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Carrots (If you want) Tuna in water or flakes if it's easier   So just chop up the items and pop them into a pot of boiling water. Chopping them up to smaller pieces makes it easier to mash up later when they're fully boiled. While your vegetables are boiling you can start doing your pastas in a seperate pot. For one serving you can just use 1 tablespoon worth of pastas. Up to you if you prefer the stars version or the spaghetti. While waiting for everything to boi

Introducing Texture

I was looking forward to Kiara turning 7 months old with much enthusiasm. Not only did that mean she was half way through the year with only 5 more months till she turns 1, but that also meant that i could finally change her diet! Introducing texture has been such an exciting experience. Both for Kiara and for myself. By texture i mean, having more lumps/chunks in the food. Prior to this, Kiara's food has always been pureed. It has been a smooth consistency with no lumps or chunks what so ever. I started out with trying out Heinz 7-9 months premade food in the jars. In one of my previous post, i stated that Heinz goes by colour coordinating the jar tops. So 7-9 months is the red jar tops. These are just 3 flavours i am showing you. They have about 3/4 more here i believe. Kiara has very quickly picked her favourites. I really thought she'd love the Cheesy Bolognaise but to my surprise, she really and i mean REALLY, loves her Pumpkin & Couscous! Just to show what i mean by c

SPOTTED: Unfurgivable!

Earlier this year, I went for my first Brazilian wax (Read about it here !)! And boy, was it an experience! Since then, I have liked my nether regions to be completely hmmm... Barren. Heh. So I have taken the permanent route. Here's something for you ladies who want go fur-free too! Strip and PETA have formed an alliance in the battle against all fur! From now till December 31st, Brazilian waxes are going at $40 each (U.P. $58), of which $1 will be given to PETA. :DDD

I've been on Hiatus!

I do apologise for the lack of updates. I know i've never stated here in my blog but if you follow me on twitter, you would know that i had started up school again. I've been taking night classes since the end of August. Last week, i had to sit for 2 examination papers. Oh the horror of studying for that! I've literally been pulling out my hair! I won't be getting my results till End January, early February. Funny thing is, i'll be sitting for 2 more examination papers in early February. Oh boy! It's been so exhausting studying and taking care of a child at the same time. I remember feeling so mentally drained. I would pass out at 3am after studying just feeling like my brains are fried! I'm glad that i'm done with the first phrase. Now to stick my nose in my books even more till the next papers. I've a week's break now. So i'm going to be typing out a few posts. Do stay tunes for those! To the friends who has taking the time off to hep tutor

What defines a good Mother?

Compared to Westerners and Europeans, Asians tend to be more closed-minded. Even speaking about sex is such a taboo. Seeing young parents, especially Mothers here, are somewhat frowned upon. Whereas i find it tends to be slightly more accepted in places out of Asia. I wouldn't say i had a very traditional Asian upbringing. I mean i'm sure most of you have heard stories about how in Asian homes, children stay in their family home till they marry. As for me, i moved out of mine at 18. Anyways, what all this brings me to is that, i've been able to make my own decisions and live by them. Some were not so good decisions but as the saying goes, "If i could make my own bed, i jolly well better be able to lie in it". Now that i am a mother, the decisions i make don't only matter to me but to this little girl, whom i owe my all to give her all the world has to offer.  What really annoys me about living here in Singapore, is that people can be so bleedy vocal about thei

Selling Nars Orgasm Illuminator!

Hey guys! As you guys know when I was in HK going crazy at the NARS counter I actually bought a product which I already own! :( They changed the packaging & I was confused (silly I know) I am selling it off at cost price - $49.60 , it is brand new and still in the box! Please email me if interested mybeautyjunkie (at) gmail (dot) com or you can comment here too! :) Please help me spread the word tooo! Thank you so much! :) credits: allura

In mummy's footsteps?

Kiara recently went for a casting for a photoshoot requiring about 10 babies for a baby product brand. I remember dressing her up in her cutest outfit and went down to the casting location. She was in quite a bad mood that day, refusing to smile and was crying quite a bit. It was quite hard for he photographer to get a good shot of her and i remember not being in high spirits that she would even get the job. The lady taking the pictures told me to come back another day when Kiara was in a better mood so i left without thinking much of it. Then the good news came! SHE GOT SELECTED FOR THE SHOOT!! Our little girl is taking her first tiny step to the modeling industry! She's doing her shoot tomorrow morning and i can't wait to see the final outcome! I'll be sure to post the pictures here once i get them! So hip hip hooray! Here's her casting shots; I'm so excited! I can't wait for tomorrow morning! Lets hope this little girl will be in a good mood. Plus, she's

Pocket Damage: INGLOT KL [Swatchfest!]

I remember walking into Sunway Pyramid and feeling a wave of excitment that i just could not contain. I had the biggest smile on my face and bursting with imaginations of what to expect. We decided to have lunch first as we knew we were definitely going to spend an hour minumum in the store, so best get some energy from some yummy grub first! (Actually, lunch was horrible! We dined at a restaurant which served Penang laksa etc, was just not worth the money at all.) I was glad i had a fellow make-up junkie and really good friend, Aishah, who was joining me for this much anticipated journey to Sunway Pyramid. Of course, both our partners came along with Kiara in tow. :) Aishah had tried one of their flackies polish when we had our nails did with Kim a while back and was determined to get them and get them she did! In fact the minute we entered the store, she went right to the Nail Polish rack and told the lovely BA that she wanted all the flackies they had! Aishah spent a long time swat

Trust Dermablend!

Since he came out in Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' music video, i've been long obsessed with him. :p I googled non-stop till i found out who he was. Everyone loved the 'skeleton' guy in her video but not many actually knew that he actually looks like that everyday! Yes, those are his real tattoos. And i find him extremely sexy. :D Meet Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy; Sexy isn't he? Now check out this awesome new commercial from Dermablend, definitely living up to their reputation!