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Introducing Texture

I was looking forward to Kiara turning 7 months old with much enthusiasm. Not only did that mean she was half way through the year with only 5 more months till she turns 1, but that also meant that i could finally change her diet!

Introducing texture has been such an exciting experience. Both for Kiara and for myself. By texture i mean, having more lumps/chunks in the food. Prior to this, Kiara's food has always been pureed. It has been a smooth consistency with no lumps or chunks what so ever. I started out with trying out Heinz 7-9 months premade food in the jars. In one of my previous post, i stated that Heinz goes by colour coordinating the jar tops. So 7-9 months is the red jar tops.

These are just 3 flavours i am showing you. They have about 3/4 more here i believe. Kiara has very quickly picked her favourites. I really thought she'd love the Cheesy Bolognaise but to my surprise, she really and i mean REALLY, loves her Pumpkin & Couscous!

Just to show what i mean by chunks, below is a bowl of Cheesy Bolognaise. There are even bits of baby spaghetti but i could't seem to get a good shot of them, unfortunately. But below you can see bits of tomato and tomato. It tastes quite lovely too!

I've been searching high and low for recipes to try out for Kiara, and i managed to get quite a number of amazing ones online. Today, i finally bought a recipe book from Times Bookstore. I wouldn't say it has the greatest of recipes but some are worth a shot! But i can't wait to try these next,


Just a quick question for my other mummy friends. In this new recipe book theres a few egg recipes. When did you introduce eggs/cheese to your baby?

In my next few posts, i'll be sharing some recipes i've tried with K!

Thanks for reading!



  1. Hi Cheryl :)

    I introduced eggs pretty late to my daughter although many reports say that it is ok to start at abt 8 mths. I just didn't want the unnecessary worries so I waited till she was more than a year old. I got her to taste a tad bit of egg yolk from a hard boiled egg and build it up from there. When she did her MMR (egg based vaccine) at 1.5 years, we watched for signs and thankfully she was ok :)
    From then, we started feeding her hard boiled and scrambled eggs... but there's this time when she was above 2 years old, I fed her half boiled eggs and she puked. So, I guess it is best to let them have fully cooked eggs when they are still young.
    I read somewhere that some kids may exhibit allergy reaction to eggs when they are below 2 coz that's when egg allergy is most prevalent. However, as they grow, they wean off this allergy and are able to consume eggs like anyone else.

    I hope Kiara's eating with zest! Coz her food sure look tasty!

  2. Hey Hazel! Yeah that's the thing. I've come across many recipes for baby as young as 6 months with eggs in the diet. I'm only a little scared as my little sister had an allergic reaction to eggs when she was a baby and worry if the same might happen to K.

  3. Whoops. Wasnt done yet. :p Well i guess i'll stay off eggs for a while more. Not willing to take the risk just yet. Besides, there's alot more other delicious foods she's yet to try! Thanks for your input. K's been gobbling down food really well. Just that when i tried porridge, she hated it. She'd scream blue murder and refuse to eat any rice. Which is so odd. I don't know how to make rice more delicious for her. :( Ideas? I've tried chicken & broccoli porridge & chicken, carrots & potato porridge. Both was a failure.

  4. hehee.. rule of the thumb... 'don't like.. don't force' less she gets turned off and starts hating it (",)


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