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Baby Recipe: Potato, Sweet Potato & Tuna Pasta

A few days ago i decided to try out a recipe i found online. It sounded delicious, well in a baby delicious sorta way! :p So let's jump right into it. Here's a list or more like pictures of the items you will need to create this dish for your bubs.

I know i did not state any carrots in the title, but i did add in some, purely just for colour. Well and K loves carrots, but i added just a tiny bit. So there you have;

  • Heinz Baby Pasta Stars (You can get this from any leading supermarkets)
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots (If you want)
  • Tuna in water or flakes if it's easier


So just chop up the items and pop them into a pot of boiling water. Chopping them up to smaller pieces makes it easier to mash up later when they're fully boiled. While your vegetables are boiling you can start doing your pastas in a seperate pot. For one serving you can just use 1 tablespoon worth of pastas. Up to you if you prefer the stars version or the spaghetti.

While waiting for everything to boil, Kiara came running into the kitchen on her walker screaming excitedly. Silly little girl. She's really fast on her walker now. Constantly zipping around the house. She's even learned to take a few steps back if she can't pass through something, she run really fast to enter where ever it is she is trying to get to. (She especially loves doin this when she wants to enter the toilet which she'll get stuck because she does not know how to come out!)

    Once your vegetables are fully boiled, you can now proceed to purée them. You can either use a hand processor if you have one, mash them with a potato masher, a fork or if you're lazy like me, throw them into a blender and just blend it away. If you are using a blender, make sure it is not one which you have used for other items especially chili. What you use for baby SHOULD be different from what you use for your own cooking.

    Once that is done, take out your tuny flakes an put how much you want for your baby. I used about a quater full of a tablespoon. I flaked them up even more so that it would be easier for K to swallow. This is also the first time that she's trying tuna. :D Once you've backed on the tuna, add your pasta stars/spaghetti on top and top it with your puréed vegetables.

    The consistency of your vegetables might get too thick, i just added extra hot boiled water to smooth it out a little. You can add breast milk or formula too if you want. But i didn't think tuna would go well with that. :p Mix that all up and you're ready for lunch/dinner!

    I must say Kiara really enjoyed it. She fnished the whole bowl! I watched for signs for any reactions to the tuna, but she was fine. So i'm glad that she's taking to it well. Making food for her has fast become a fun thing to do. It's a learning process all over again. I've always loved cooking. So its a joy to be cooking for her. Can't wait to try new and more exciting recipes!

    Thanks for reading! TIll the next one! :D


    1. (: (: i loved this post! you're definitely a happy mum!

    2. she's looking on curiously in the second last pic :) very adorable :)

    3. She is looking on curiously... so adorable :)

    4. oops... I thought that the first comment wasn't posted.. apparently it was ;p

    5. Why thank you Dooey89. I am indeed. :D

    6. She was very curious the first few bites. Could see her adorable face trying to make out what it was that she was eating. hehe.


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