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Showing posts from February, 2011

Baby Bump: 32 Weeks & 5 Days

Ola! :) I've been away for a while haven't i? Just been so busy with preparing for my little gathering of a baby shower that happened over the weekend. I'll blog about that soon as i'll still getting the pictures edited and i'm also tweaking my online shop's blog, Http:// which has been driving me nuts as it isn't as easy as it seems, with all the 'shopping cart' widgets etc that you have to tweak before putting the HTML codes up. But it's been going good so far, so hopefully, it gets easier with time. So many of you have requested for me to upload new pictures of my baby bump, especially since the last one was done AGES ago. My bump is so much bigger now, and i swear, it grows by the day! Sham has stopped complaining that i should eat more, he said the reason why my baby bump before was due to the fact that i wasn't eating enough. It's actually because my muscles are still tight and was keeping my body in

Row your boat!

Hey! Hey! I woke up remembering such a horrible dream that left me feeling hella pissed and sad. So i lazed in bed for another 30mins before finally walking out of the room to find myself greeted with something so beautiful that made me instantly feel loved and so very happy. Thank you baby for the flowers. Ain't i just the luckiest girl to have found such a wonderful man who adores and treats me like a Queen? :) Last weekend, we spent a day on a yacht for my girlfriend's 25th birthday. Last time i was on a yacht was when i was in Perth when i was 14! So i was very excited to be on one again to enjoy the wonderful company and absorb the sun and sea. The sun was shining brightly and i'm sure everyone managed to get some tan, i on the other hand, hate getting tanned, so i was sure to pack on heaps of sunblock! I did however jump in the water for all but 15mins for a quick dip. I didn't survive long as the bites from plankton? was annoying the crap out of me. This was by f

Got Milk?

With just 2 more months to walk solo, i've been making sure i get everything ready for the princess' arrival. That includes what ever i may need, especially nursing bras! I plan to breast-feed her for at least a year. Well, i will try. I hope i can. You know what they say, BREAST IS BEST! heh. I'm quite looking forward to it actually. Though some have told me it hurst when you first start, nipples get sore etc. but i find, it's a beautiful bond between mother and child. No one but you will have that very special bond with your baby. And that's what i want the most. That unbreakable bond with my baby girl. :) Recently, i've made a purchase with  Baby-Avenue for their range of maternity bras they carry. I posted it in a couple of entries before. They only carry 3 different types/colours of that particular brand, HOTMILK but sadly, only one had my size, and it just so happened to be the one i liked the most too! I like how it's still sexy, and come on, how can

HAULIN': Ikea, MotherCare & Eva's

Ola! With the princess well on her way, what better way than to head down to Ikea to get some new furniture for our home right? So that's exactly what Sham and I did a day after my birthday. Plus, Ikea was having this special promotion for this TV console/entertainment center that was originally $129 but was going for $79 for members only, plus, that's a $50 save on our pockets, and every penny saved goes a long way! I love the new console, with exta storage space and shelfs, it makes everything neater. DVD's go on the right, and on the left, i've put up some photo frames. We also picked up a new coffee table as our previous one was just wayyy to big, and was using it as a tv console, and what's great is that it's just $39! Oh yes, remember in one of my previous post, i mentioned how i was going to get those coloured bins to store our baby's clothes? Instead of getting the Green and Pink like i had planned, i went instead with Pink and White. The green was a

What our baby might look like!

Hey! This is going to be a quickie post! I was bored at home, since Sham's at his cousin's watching the Chelsea VS Liverpool game in which i hope Liverpool wins only because he's a Chelsea fan. (I'm Man United if anyone is interested to know.) So i decided to morph our pictures/faces together to see what our Daughter might look like. :D Oh and i used this website - MakeMeBabies So i'd like to present to you all, our baby girl! (Well according to this morphing anyways.) Isn't she just adorable! Now everyone say AWWWWWW. Though i don't know why she has grey eyes? But then again that is possible since it did happen to my cousin who was born with grey eyes i believe. Skipped a generation. :) But isn't she just beautiful! So i decided to try and see what a boy might look like, that is if we were having a boy, or plan to have a boy in the future. Here he is..... I honestly don't know what's up with the red hair? According to the website, they take a 90

The Importance Of Family. Or Not!

Before i get into what i would really like to say, i'd like everyone to know that as much as i would like to keep my blog nice and happy at all times, there are times that people piss the crap out of me and then you get the not so nice me blogging. So excuse my bluntness yeah? This festive Lunar New Year, i must say, it did not start out great for me. For one, i've never felt so insulted in my life. Two, the ones to insult, even though in a 'nice' way, were supposed family members. Please note, that it is not my immediate family members but relatives. Either ways, it's pretty much the same blood that flows through our veins. (Shame) I'm so annoyed at how some try to advice me about my decisions that i am about to make with concerns to my unborn child. First and foremost, this is MY child. No, scrap that, this child is OUR child. Sham's and mine. Not yours not anybody else's. The decisions we make together as a COUPLE with regards to OUR DAUGHTER is for u

A year older & definitely wiser!

Unlike the past previous years, my birthday celebration was toned down by a couple of notches this year for obvious reasons. Though one thing did not change, FOOD. I love food, and i am sure food loves me just as much. Or at least the people who sell delicious food to me. Heh. Last year I decided on having Peking Duck, in which the love of my life surprised me by inviting my closest friends and brother to join, which brought me to tears. I love Chinese cusine and i honestly feel i couldn't live without it. =) Of course, i have other loves, like Italian, Korean, Japanese etc but Chinese, that is definitely tops in my list! =) On Friday, a day after my actual birthday, we went down to East Coast Lagoon to have some seafood together with my girls Nada & Rachel and not forgetting my better half who finally came out from his 2 week reservist to serve the nation's army. It was nice to catch up with the girls, sham that the rest could not make it, but i am sure i will see them soo


I just got off the phone with a lady calling from AIA Insurance Agency, she called to try and sell me some insurance policy that is supposedly cheaper now during the Festive Season. Here's how the convo went anyways. I'm VERY offended. The convo went on for much longer with her being a real pain in the ass. And she obviously did not get my sarcasm from across the phone lines. I do not appreciate you telling me that i should be getting married. It is OUR decision that we would like to get married later, AFTER the baby is born. It's not like it's any of your concern or anybody else's. Who the hell asks how do you get pregnant without being married? What kind of narrow minded idiot are you to be asking such a question? Yes, an insurance policy is something we WILL be getting for our baby, but i am definitely not using you to get it. BITCH! Sorry for my vulgarities. I am so pissed off with this. Is this the mentality of people i have to deal with constantly? I sure hope