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The Importance Of Family. Or Not!

Before i get into what i would really like to say, i'd like everyone to know that as much as i would like to keep my blog nice and happy at all times, there are times that people piss the crap out of me and then you get the not so nice me blogging. So excuse my bluntness yeah?

This festive Lunar New Year, i must say, it did not start out great for me. For one, i've never felt so insulted in my life. Two, the ones to insult, even though in a 'nice' way, were supposed family members. Please note, that it is not my immediate family members but relatives. Either ways, it's pretty much the same blood that flows through our veins. (Shame)

I'm so annoyed at how some try to advice me about my decisions that i am about to make with concerns to my unborn child. First and foremost, this is MY child. No, scrap that, this child is OUR child. Sham's and mine. Not yours not anybody else's. The decisions we make together as a COUPLE with regards to OUR DAUGHTER is for us and us alone. Yes you can give advice, but if that advice is going to be somewhat insulting, please do me a favour and shut your gap. I don't see why some of you are still treating me like a child. The fact of the matter is, some of you talk to me like i owe you something, When i really don't. I AM NOT ASKING YOU FOR HELP TO RAISE MY CHILD, NOR AM I ASKING FOR MONEY OR ANYTHING. So tell me, who the hell are you to tell me what i should and should not do? If there is anyone that should be saying any of that to me, that would me MY PARENTS. Not you, relatives. :)

I was being nice, i had wanted to make sure my child grows up to know her other family. Her aunties and uncles, cousins etc. But if you have the audacity to tell me that, getting married would be a good idea, because if i don't in the long run when my child starts going to school, people will tell her she is A B*STARD CHILD, how are you to expect me not to get offended? How dare you tell me my child is a b*stard? Marriage is not a solution to everything. When Sham and I decide to marry is none of your concern. Neither is the welfare of my child. Like i said i was being nice. But some of you have said things, which really, you have NO place to.

If i had parents that were still involved with you lot, do you dare say what you have? NO. But because i stand alone, you dare insult, because i am but a child in your eyes. I hope some of you read this. And i hope you get offended with what i have to say. And i am glad that my other readers are reading this. Because shame on you! You preach about being good, preach about the good lord. But do you practice graciousness? NO.

You lot should be proud that I am keeping my child, doing what is best for her, instead of running away and going for an abortion to rid the 'problem'. It takes someone strong to go ahead and go headstrong to take the responsibilities of being a parent. But no, you shun it away some of you. So you know what? TO hell with some of you. What you lot have not realised is that, MY FAMILY now, is my child and Sham. They are my first priority. They are my family now. You lot are all secondary and saying secondary is still being very nice. :)

Sometimes i question why i even try to mend burnt bridges, when all you do is insult. You did so when my father was alive, and you continue to do so with my brother and I. But i will not let you insult my child by calling her a bastard. So please don't blame me when and if you never see me or my child. Because you brought the war. You said not to feel offended. But hey guess what? I am VERY offended. I feel very insulted and i feel very embarrassed that i have to call some of you my family. Oh and please, you want to advice me, have you looked at your backyard?? Tsk.

Like someone close said to me yesterday, "We all have to deal with family but if they can't share in ur happiness then they dont deserve ur company".


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