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Selamat datang di Batam!

(Title translates to: Welcome to Batam! in bahasa.)

So the better half had 10 days off from work since he was changing jobs. Well, not really changing jobs. Just changing company and a more senior position. Very proud of him! :D With so much free time, we decided, why not go for a short getaway?! And getaway we did!

Initially we were thinking, hey, why not visit my relatives in Perth, but thought it was way too early for Kiara to be on a flight, so on a ferry we go! We've never been to Batam ever! (Batam is one of Indonesia's many beautiful islands) Knowing it was just 50mins away by ferry, it was a no brainer, we were definitely going! Thank goodness Sham did K's passport in time, we picked it up one day before we left!

We stayed at the Holiday Inn resort which shocked me because when we were booking our room, i just thought it was a normal single room, but when we got there, it was a 2 bed room apartment! Oh how i miss our room already!

Upon settling in, i decided, i need a massage! Tea-tree spa is located in the resort itself, (of course, it would be cheaper to go to the Spa's in Nagoya city) and got ourselves booked for an appointment each. I went first, so Sham could watch K while i had my rub down. OH MY GOODNESS! It was DIVINE! I had an avacado body scrub followed by traditional balinese massage. Oh wow! I was very much in need of that! :D Sham went an hour after me and he came back telling me how he fell asleep so many times and woke up to his own snores! :p

I think we ought to do another weekend getaway again, and next time round, i want to go for as many spas as possible! Oh how my body needs a good pampering! If you're a shopper, don't bother with Batam. Nothing much to shop really. But i did however come home with a $700 purchase! :p Sham bought me the Canon G12 which i've been eyeing for a long while now. Its a semi-pro and to be honest, i'm still learning to use all the different nobs etc on it. It captures AH-MAIZING photographs and i intend to learn to take great pictures of Baby K. :D

Say hello to my new baby. :)

(If anyone is interested, i think i saw this retailing at SGD$849 at Challenger, i got mine at SGD$700 including a 8GB memory card in Nagoya City in Batam)

Anyways, Kiara fully enjoyed having many bubble baths as well as swimming in the pool. I just know she'll be a water baby like i was! I love water and swimming! :D

On the overall, we had a wonderful time together. I think in a way, it also gave Sham & I some cuddle time together, we haven't had some 'US' time in a while and it was great that we could. :D When you have kids, you'll realize that it's so hard to do the things you used to, like dating, dinner, drinks, movie etc. Now we've got to make time! Thats why i always tell my friends who are trying for kids, "Enjoy each other now, because when the kids come, it will be harder".

I can't wait for our next holiday. So where shall we venture to next? ;)






  1. aww you guys are such a cute, beautiful family :) Kiara's gna be as gorgeous as her parents, ahh she's so adorable :D

  2. kiara so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. Hong Kong next! Hahaha! Her bumblebee swimsuit is super cute!

  4. Thanks ladies! :D She's definitely going to grow up to be a beautiful girl. I and her father will be ready with baseball bats for the boys who might want to date her. :p

    Oh yeah man! I wanna go to HK so bad! Shop and indulge in glorious chinese food! I need to go find out when it is summer sale/best time to go. :D


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