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Showing posts from March, 2011

Hush little Baby

Last Saturday, during my flea, i realised that my feet were all swollen, fat and pudgy like. It hit me, "Shucks! My water retention has begun!" I've never had that prior, unlike most of my friends who are/have been pregnant. So thank god i have my mother's genes in that sense. I noticed them as i was wearing my new leopard print pumps when i saw that i had ' kankles ' and my feet look like that of a stuffed animal, so i immediately told my mum when i met her during the flea and confirmed my thoughts. My mother has a brilliant way of making me nervous. She told me when she started having swollen feet and hands, it was just a matter of days before she gave birth. So you can tell by now, after hearing her say that, i was all nervous. "But I haven't even bought the bed for our baby yet!" I've always prided in the fact that i have slim feet, many told me i had the perfect feet for any type of heels. (Hence why i hardly have any sneakers, my feet

Featured on Lil'Sugar!

Yay! I've recently been featured on again! YAY! This is my second time being featured by them, thank you so so much! I only found out just as i was checking my blog hits on Nuffnang and saw that i suddenly had more hits all coming from USA! First time i was featured was on the 25th of January, about my Check Up at the Docs where Sham and I had a scare that our baby girl had turned into a baby boy. LOL. Quite a funny story really and it is also my one blog post with the highest hits of 895 Views currently!! Story over HERE   And the second feature was just a couple of days ago on Tuesday which was about my baby's hiccups and you can read the story HERE I'm so glad! I'm beyond glad! I don't even know if there is a word to describe how i feel right now. :) I'm just really happy that some things i do write about, reaches out to the masses, and that's just an amazing feeling. Thank you so much LilSugar for the feature! I ought to start coking din

ScrapBooking 101

A couple of weeks ago, i came across an Arts & Crafts shop down at Tampines One Mall. I've always had a soft spot for places like that. So browsing through the store, i found that they sell scrapbook albums. You know the ones which comes with all the pieces cut out and little bits and pieces of stickers and ribbons etc. I've always been big on scrapbooking, having done many over the years for myself and friends. Most of my personal diaries are scrapbook like, with magazine cuttings, old cinema tickets and what have yous stuck inside. I always found that it added that extra touch and made it even more personal. So you can guess by now, how delighted i was to find that scrapbook album and yes, i bought it too! The album itself is retailing at SGD$49.90. The 3D stickers on the side, Sham and i bought individually. Those were rather pricey actually. One was SGD$10.90 so you do the math. We very excitedly rushed home that day and unwrapped the kit to get right on to doing it, on

My Baby's Hiccups!!

Finally managed to catch my baby's hiccups on camera! It happens so often these days. Almost every night actually. Poor little girl! I wonder, why do babies get hiccups in the womb?

The Baby Shower

A couple of weeks ago, i held my mini baby shower/gossip catch-up session with some of my closest friends and family in one of the rooms at The Ritz Carlton. I had planned some games, but decided to scrap it last minute as i could not get some of the items needed for the games ready in time. I swear, if i could, i should split myself in half, and i would be able to do everything without stressing out. I did manage to get all the food and drinks ready. Trust me, i always forget something. Food was delicious! My friend's mum cooked some of the food. So i had some fried bee hoon, curry puffs, putri salat, cupcakes, cookies etc. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so let the pictures do the talking. :) Thank you for all the gifts! I'm sure Princess K will love them because her mummy absolutely loves them all! Baby K is a little branded though, check out the Dior baby bottle! Geez..i don't even own anything that branded yet. (Does my Kate Spade handbag count? :p) Baby K

Sugar Skulls

A couple of months back, before i found out i was pregnant, i was making arrangements to get a photoshoot done of me and a girlfriend deck out as 'Sugar Skull' models. I'm big on the whole make up look, and thought it would be great for my Book. Or some would call it, Portfolio. To say the least, i still have not done that shoot. LOL. But it is definitely in my list still, and i WILL do it, hopefully within this year. =) I love the make up! I find it is so intense, and was shot beautifully! So definitely one of those shoots I have to just get done! So today i finally managed to catch Lady Gaga's latest video, Born This Way. have to hand her props man. Her videos are so outta this world! But then one part i saw her with make up similar to the above!! It's darker though, but beautiful none the less. LOVE IT! It is crazy cool. And just so darn artistic! I'm more determined than ever now to get my photoshoot done! I just had to share this find. I'm of

Pretty Feet

With the baby well on her way, and just about a month left too, that can only mean one thing! I CAN START WEARING MY HEELS AGAIN! Time to dust the heels i have stored! I've always been a heels kinda girl. I own ONLY 4 flats. My Adidas Superstar's, Puma Rudolf Dassler Pumps, Charles & Keith Studded Pumps and my Puma Alexander McQueen's. Well, you don't count slippers right? So lately i've been crazy for animal prints. But only for shoes. I don't fancy them on my clothes, i find it a tad bit too tacky. But prints on shoes? I'll take that anytime! I've been on the hunt to look for the perfect heels! At first it was only for Leopard prints, but now, oh boy! oh boy! I found a zebra print one i'm absolutely mad about! It comes in the leopard print version too. But for some reason, it just doesn't look as good? Take a look!                             (Photo Credits to See what i mean? I think they're both mad beautiful, but the

Just for Laughs!

I received this in an email from my cousin, gave me the chuckles. :D Hope it does for you too! :)

Pouty Jolie Lips!

Guess who's got Angelina Jolie's lips? *Drum roll* Our little girl!!! I had my check up today and when my doc was taking a picture of my little girl for me, we caught her pouty lips this time round! My doc was all, "You're daughter has Angelina's lips! Pouty!" and you know what? It is just like her Mummy! :D  Looks like Daddy is going to have a tough time with boys in the future! Heh. Check out her pout! So i was initially freaking out when i had to take my weight at the Docs, only because i put on 2kilos in a span of 3 weeks! That is ALOT to me! But then after my check up, my doc told me, it's not so much me this time round, it's actually our little girl who had packed on the pounds. Last check up, she was tall and slim, and doc told me to eat more so that she puts on more weight, so i'm really glad that she's starting to fatten up now! She weighed about 1.4kilos and today she weighs 2.1kilos !! So my doc reckons, by the time i finally pop,

Shopping sure is a girl's bestfriend!

I've been told to stop shopping by Sham. Okay, so maybe i went a little overboard. But, it's very hard to turn it down! Besides, i'm not shopping for myself, i'm shopping for our little girl. But i suppose he is right. She will be growing rapidly fast, and in no time, she'll have to change into new sizes. So i really ought to chill. :) I still have not managed to get the MotherCare membership. I'm $70 short of the total $300 to get it. :( Slowly but surely, i'll get that card! :D Anyways, i love their range for their onsies! I've raved about it in a previous post, and i will continue to rave at how awesome i think it is. I love the material, patterns and most of all, $48 for a pack of 7 short sleeved onesies or $50 for a pack of 7 long-sleeved ones? TOTAL STEAL! The only problem i have with it is that the girls section, everything is all pinks, whites, purples, yellows etc but in the boys section, you get blacks and navy blues! I don't see why they