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ScrapBooking 101

A couple of weeks ago, i came across an Arts & Crafts shop down at Tampines One Mall. I've always had a soft spot for places like that. So browsing through the store, i found that they sell scrapbook albums. You know the ones which comes with all the pieces cut out and little bits and pieces of stickers and ribbons etc. I've always been big on scrapbooking, having done many over the years for myself and friends. Most of my personal diaries are scrapbook like, with magazine cuttings, old cinema tickets and what have yous stuck inside. I always found that it added that extra touch and made it even more personal. So you can guess by now, how delighted i was to find that scrapbook album and yes, i bought it too!

The album itself is retailing at SGD$49.90. The 3D stickers on the side, Sham and i bought individually. Those were rather pricey actually. One was SGD$10.90 so you do the math. We very excitedly rushed home that day and unwrapped the kit to get right on to doing it, only to realise that of all things, we forgot to get the most important item, GLUE. Major bummer.

Well then, we bought the glue sometime last week, as well and some extra stickers. And we've very excitedly started on the first 3 pages of the scrapbook album. The first page still does not have any pictures as i plan to do a have a proper picture taken when our little Princess arrives, so it would be the start of our little family album. :) We've decided to start the album out with all her ultrasound pictures to show much much she has grown, i figured, when she's big enough and looking at the album, she would smile and give us both a kiss for making such an album for her. :D

Just in case anyone was wondering, i bought 2 different kinds of glue, one in the large tube for sticking ribbons, buttons and paper cuttings. It dries real fast, grabs things real well, and dried clear. The other 'glue' i bought came in a tape like thing, like one of those correction tapes? That one i use for photographs, as should you want to remove the photo from where ever you pasted it on, it won't destroy it and is easy to come off, but still sticks well.

I had so much fun getting the first 3 pages done. I did not follow the instructions to a T but went about doing it in my own style. I still have my balloons from my baby shower here at home, and i plan to cut it up and stick it inside as well. For memories sake you know! :) Now i can't wait to collect more pictures from Sham and from my mother of us as a baby to add into the album for our little girl. My hands are itching to do more but i have no pictures to add just yet! :(

I can't wait to get started on some new pages! So i'm going to force Sham to go search for some of his old photos with his [arents and grandmother, and i'll be making my mum search for some nice ones of me and her. I'll end this off with some baby photos of both Sham and I. Sham's on the right. Wasn't he just the cutest baby! Thats my father on the left photograph with my younger brother, Jared. Reason why my dad looks Chinese is because he is half chinese. :) Half Chinese half Portuguese. My grandmother was Chinese. So that's why i look like a little Chun Li! :D


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