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Hush little Baby

Last Saturday, during my flea, i realised that my feet were all swollen, fat and pudgy like.

It hit me, "Shucks! My water retention has begun!"

I've never had that prior, unlike most of my friends who are/have been pregnant. So thank god i have my mother's genes in that sense. I noticed them as i was wearing my new leopard print pumps when i saw that i had 'kankles' and my feet look like that of a stuffed animal, so i immediately told my mum when i met her during the flea and confirmed my thoughts. My mother has a brilliant way of making me nervous. She told me when she started having swollen feet and hands, it was just a matter of days before she gave birth. So you can tell by now, after hearing her say that, i was all nervous.

"But I haven't even bought the bed for our baby yet!"

I've always prided in the fact that i have slim feet, many told me i had the perfect feet for any type of heels. (Hence why i hardly have any sneakers, my feet are too slim, and wearing sneakers, the shoes just look kind of deflated you know?) Then a couple of days ago, the brother came over to collect some letters and bills that were mailed here and commented, "Eh Cher, how come your feet are so fat? Your toes are like cocktail weiners!!"

Moving on, i made an order for the baby cot/playpen yesterday so as to ensure that my little girl has somewhere to sleep should i go into labour anytime soon. (Thanks mum for making me this nervous!) The cot is a gift from my GodFather and my Aunt and i'm sure Little K is going to love it too. :) After doing extensive research, i settled on a Graco one. I've read so many reviews on their items, and a good 90% of it, the vast majority loved their products, and even stated that they lasted good and long. I do understand that a playpen, the lifespan of a child sleeping in it, is only a max of 2/3 years, but the way i see it, by the time she's 3, we would get her a small bed to move her up to 'big girl-hood' so to speak. So i present to you, our Little Princess' throne, the Graco Silhouette Pack 'n Play Silhouette Milan.

I LOVE IT! I mean, WE LOVE IT! :) I love how the colours are so classy! And it's relatively quite big! Love it! And comes with a changing top as well, which can be take out if chosen to. The playpen pays 5 different songs/tunes as well as vibrates, which is known to help baby sleep. Comes with lights which shines into baby sleeping area, should you need it of course. This is arriving later in the afternoon, and i'm just going to leave it to Sham to set up, that's the man's job afterall. We still have yet to buy the pillows etc. We'll do that over the weekend as i need to pick up more swaddle blankets for her. Oh but don't you just love the colours! :D

We've also picked out the stroller which my parents are getting for us as a gift. But they're all superstitious and will only buy it when i deliver, which works well for me because that means, more storage space for now. :)

Though, if money dropped from the skies, or i pooped gold coins, i would so get the Joolz NAUTIC LIMITED EDITION which looks amazing! I'm a sucker for things that have this classy look. (This is retailing for a whopping SGD$2,498)

And this pram, oh how i am lusting for thee! Classic look, vintage and just amazing! Come, lust with me over this Silver Cross Kensington Pram in Soft Pink. This costs GPB£895 which is about SGD$1800 without shipping. (I don't even know if they will ship here)

Enough with my lusting already. It's just making my heart pain. :( But we picks a good stroller which is light enough for me to handle on my own, and looks sporty and modern, which i dig as well. Plus, it comes in RED! Maximum love! We've picked the Quinny Zapp Xtra in Rebel Red. Though we have to get a maxi-cozy for our bubs in her first few months. But it's easy to use, easy to keep and is not bulky.

That's all i have to share with you for now. Thanks for reading! :)

ps: we've just got the aircon installed, thanks to Sham's parents who have gifted it to us! That means, a cool good nights sleep! YAY! :)


  1. HI Cheryl :) Graco is indeed a hardy and trusty brand.
    It is a great idea for little K to sleep in a playpen coz the sides are soft.
    If I could do it all over again, I wouldnt have gotten a wooden cot coz the baby will either gnaw on it or slam her head against it or get her thighs caught in between the bars. So, a soft side play pen is a really good bed. Bravo!

    Make sure get your baby to sleep in her bed or you'll NEVER get your own free time.

    I got the Quinny too... we ladies need something light, ya? hehee...

  2. LOL MAXIMUM LOVE!! haahah

    steady lah your red pram. Be warned, she will grow out of it in NO TIME :D

  3. Hey Hazel!! :D That was my worry with the wooden ones! Was more worried about my girl banging her head into it and hurting herself should the soft sides thingy (shucks, i forgot the name for this thing? :s) come loose. And Graco just seemed a better choice as it already comes with colour, so getting the quilt, pillows would be easy peasy even if we wanted plain white ones. :) I swear, Quinny might actually be made by a woman! hehe.

    Nicole- but she'll use the pram till she's like 2 right? or slightly below that. Right?

  4. muah hahah :) hihi Cheryl, is that thing you are referring to a cot? hehee... people say that pregnant woman and woman who have delivered lose their memory. I guess it's coz our minds are occupied with tons of things that is why the less important things get filtered out :)

    Don't worry, the Quinny is meant to fit up to about 3. I've seen bigger kids sit in it! They shouldnt be sitting in strollers anymore by that age :) My Tod laid in the maxi cosi bucket seat till about 10 mths before we installed the Quinny seat.

  5. LOL. i remember what it is called now, the 'bumpers' which you put around the wooden cots! Though i have to say, there's alot of times, my brain does go for a walk. :p

  6. oic Bumpers... I didn't even know what evey are called until I was preparing for my baby. hehee...


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