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Showing posts from January, 2011

Getting Ready for CNY!

For those who does now know what CNY means, it is Chinese New Year. I'm only quarter Chinese though. (My dad is half Chinese, half Portuguese) But anyways, they say, you should clean the whole house before the New Year. To get rid of all the bad omens and welcome the prosperous new year. So i'm painting the house today. Or more like, my younger brother, has offered to help paint the house since i'm preggy now. So sweet right! He's over right this minute, we're just waiting for Sham to call to have lunch together and we'll get right into painting our home. Of course, i will be cleaning as well. Chinese new year falls on Thursday, 3rd February. So i'm hoping almost everything will be ready by then! We also went down to Ikea yesterday, bought a whole bunch of stuffs, and fotunately, they are delivering it on Thursday itself. So i can't wait!! The house is going to look absolutely lovely! Gotta jet! Will update more when i'm done with the house. And don&


  Good afternoon everyone! As the title suggest, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! SO YAY! Before i run off to celebrate my birthday with my family, there's a couple of things i wanted to share with everyone before i forget about it. Yesterday, I spent the day with a good friend of mine, Zohri, to have a pre-birthday celebration as he was leaving and has already left for a short gate-away to Jakarta this morning. (Second year running that you leave town during my birthday, do it a third time, and we definitely need to have words Mister!!) I love getting my nails done, in fact, you would hardly ever catch me without painted nails. I can take hours just doing patterns on them. :) God bless the creator of Nail Polish. (Ladies, if your nail polish has started to chip off, for heavens sake, just remove everything! It's unsightly to see you trying to pick at them. I really don't know why some leave them on for so long, looks so gross.) Back to topic, I decided to get my nails done at the nail pa

HAULIN' & Baby stuffs!

holler! (This is going to be a long post, so enjoy! *PICTURE HEAVY*) How's everyong been doing? I've had an awesome weekend! :) I finally went for my very first flea market experience on Saturday, and i had such a wonderful time! I think i might just religiously go to a couple more every month! The amount of money you can save when you shop at fleas rather than in the normal retail shops is such a massive difference! Oh, and it's even cheaper than most Blogshops too as they slash their prices even lower for the fleas! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Of course, not everything is brand new, some have pre-loved items. But that's up to you if you would like to purchase them. :) I've always believed, "One man's junk is another's treasure". Here's some goodies i managed to get my paws on. :) (Flea Market was at Club Titanium which is the old club DXO along Esplanade) What a steal right??! The first one is a tube dress, but with my baby bump, its just a tube top for n

Awesome Finds & Photo Overload!

Morning/afternoon everyone! Hope everyone has had a good start to the day to far! To be honest, i might still be in bed! I'm typing this out the night before, like i said in the previous post, i have so much to say, but i felt the previous post was long enough, so before i forget, i'm going to type this out now, and set it to post at a scheduled time. So smart right? :) As the title would already tell you, i have some awesome finds to share with everyone. (especially for those yummy mummies in the making or yummy mummies already) Actually, if there's father's in the making that is reading too, this would be great for you. I've been searching non-stop for the best deals online. Trust me, after owning my own online shop, you come to find out that EVERYTHING can be found for a cheaper price online. And we all know, buying things to prepare for the baby, costs a bomb! Remember the FlexiBath i posted up like 2 entries ago? I couldn't find it again in the shops, but


i had wanted to blog yesterday, but i was over at the parents house, spending some time with the mother especially since they just got back to Singapore. Missed them much! So my apologies for no updates for those who have been religiously following my blog. I'm quite happy actually, i've gotten quite a number of hits on you lot reading, and i'm so glad! Thank you so much for being with me for this journey. :) So.....i've officially begun the 3rd trimester! Im 27 WEEKS & 2 DAYS TODAY! So happy that it is the last and final lap of pregnancy and in 12 weeks, about 2 and a half months, this little girl of ours will be saying hello to all of you! :) So so exciting! Anyways, last week, i went to visit my Aunty Grace and Karina, haven't seen them in agessssss! And it's lovely to see them again too, since Karina recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, who will be my daughter's potential boyfie. HAHAHA. They gave so much tips on baby storage, cots.. you know

Checkup at the Docs!

So yesterday was my monthly check up with my Doc to see if our baby is doing well, im doing well etc. Was so excited to go down to see Dr Heng (She's attached to Parkway East Hospital) because then i finally get to see my little ninja during the ultrasound scan! Only thing i wasn't looking forward to was taking my blood test. I can take tattoos, i like getting inked. But needles, i can't take needles. Anyways, In December, i had to head down to the hospital to get a scan done. Think its called the 'Fetal Abnormality Scan', where they check if everything is growing at the proper rate, and all that jizz. So i collected the documents as well as the photos, though we couldn't get a 3D scan of her face because she absolutely refused to turn around to show her face on that day, so we don't have a frigging 3D scan. I'm quite bummed about that really. So the people at the hospital told me to make sure i bring it down to my next appointment visit with Dr Heng so


The next 6 days are the last few days of my 2nd trimester! I've just got another 13 weeks and 6 days left!!! WOW! So fast! I can't believe that in just a couple of months/weeks, i will be holding my little girl in my arms and cooing her to sleep and Sham would be absolutely fascinated with the little beauty that she will be. I've come to a point where i just want her to come out already!! But no, i have to be patient, like they say, the bun still needs to be in the oven. LOL. The last few days, i been  searching online and every where for practical baby items. Like cots etc. I'm all for anything pretty, but it really comes down to the $$. Since i've started shopping for most of my things online, I've come to realise that you can find a cheaper alternative online! Retail shops jack up the pricing so high, sometimes i find the jump a tad bit ridiculous. The sad part about baby items though, not all items will ship to Singapore. =( So that's a major bummer. I&#

Look & Feel Good, Even with A Baby Bump!

Miranda Kerr and Orlando bloom have welcomed healthy baby boy weighing 4.5kilos last friday!! (What a way to start my post aye?) I'm looking at the weight of their baby, and i'm thinking, that's one massive baby! Either their baby is huge, or, asian babies are just wayyyy smaller. Heh. Anyways, here's a picture of Miranda Kerr when she was still pregnant, nude. She did the shoot for W Magazine's family issue. Photo Credits to She was about 7 months pregnant in the above photo, if i'm not wrong. So thats about my size now, though, i am slightly smaller. =) (Please stop staring at her nipples) I think it's a beautiful shot, and i can't wait to get my own done, but not nude like hers. I think all expecting mummies should get some shots done when pregnant, so you can always look back and remember. Today i was taking the train to meet Sham to have our little last minute dinner date, and

Ending 2nd trimester!

Hey everyone! Sorry i did not blog about anything over the weekend. It's the only time i get Sham all to myself, and so i thought i'll prolly only blog through out the weekdays since i spend most days at home by myself together with our furball of a son, Gumgum. =) I'm so glad that i'm almost at the end of my 2nd trimester! Just one more lap, 3 months to go! It is also just 3 more days and i officially hit 7 months!! Woohoo! I've been feeling my baby's hiccups almost everyday now. I think i'm actually starting to get quite used to it too. Here's a video of baby hiccups i got off YouTube for your better understanding. (Till i manage to take my own video myself) I don't know if this happens alot during pregnancy, but i tend to get sudden headaches, and just a couple of days ago, i think it was on saturday, i suddenly felt dizzy and i swore i was going to pass out if i hadn't gone to lay down on the bed. Some friends have told me it's pretty nor

Baby Bump - 25 Weeks & 2 Days

So i've finally taken some pictures of me and my bump. :) Just to let you know, today i'm 25 weeks and 2 days along, almost at the end of the 2nd trimester!! Just one more lap to go! Just left with 14 weeks and 5 days left. :) Now everyone say "YAYYYY!!!!"Though almost all pregnancy "books" i read say that i should have an "outtie" belly button, i don't have that yet. My belly button is still normal. In fact, i could still use my belly ring if i wanted to. Oh, reason why i say "books" is because i read everything online, or by downloaded applications i put into my Iphone and Ipad respectively. I am also religiously watching Fetal Development videos on YouTube. They are such a big help, and help you understand so much more! If you're pregnant, or planning to get pregnant, do watch the videos too! Here's some pictures of me, i took them today, so they are exactly as they look. I didn't manage to take a measurement of my bell

Foods for you and baby

I'm just about done making dinner, just waiting for the better half to let me know when he's on the way home so that i can make the last bit, the veggies. So that means, time to blog!! Especially when we're on food!In Singapore, its cheap to eat out on a daily basis. That is if you're opting for hawker food, and not fancy smancy restaurants, where a meal and a drink would come to a total of about $8 minimum. I think thats pretty cheap. Cooking can be very time consuming, though i love cooking, there are days when i wouldn't even bother to fry an egg. But with the neighbourhood in which i reside in, finding a healthy meal is close to impossible. My nearest place to run to for something healthier and not too oily, like a salad bar or sandwich bar would be Parkway Parade, Paya Lebar SingPost or Siglap. My healthiest food choice here would be Vegan Burg, a vegetarian fast food joint, and i dont know how healthy that really is anyways. (But they have delish food! And don