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Ending 2nd trimester!

Hey everyone! Sorry i did not blog about anything over the weekend. It's the only time i get Sham all to myself, and so i thought i'll prolly only blog through out the weekdays since i spend most days at home by myself together with our furball of a son, Gumgum. =) I'm so glad that i'm almost at the end of my 2nd trimester! Just one more lap, 3 months to go! It is also just 3 more days and i officially hit 7 months!! Woohoo! I've been feeling my baby's hiccups almost everyday now. I think i'm actually starting to get quite used to it too. Here's a video of baby hiccups i got off YouTube for your better understanding. (Till i manage to take my own video myself)I don't know if this happens alot during pregnancy, but i tend to get sudden headaches, and just a couple of days ago, i think it was on saturday, i suddenly felt dizzy and i swore i was going to pass out if i hadn't gone to lay down on the bed. Some friends have told me it's pretty normal for preggies. So i'm just going to go along with it. As for movements, my little girl is just getting stronger by the day! I think she's a little naughty girl too. Ever time she gives me a kick, i poke my tummy back, and she gives me a kick right back!! Can you believe that! But she does listen to me when i tell her to stop, especially when she's so active in the middle of the night and i really want to sleep. I try to make Sham talk to her too. They say your baby will know your touch and your partner's touch as well as your voices. =)I haven't started to get any stretch marks on my tummy yet. Like i said in my previous post, i'm relatively small still. But it has just started to become itchy, so i know my skin is stretching out already as she's becoming bigger. I know i shouldn't scratch it either as it's just going to make it worse so i just rub. My mum was saying that i should have started using the cocoa butter cream for stretch marks ages ago, but i haven't. I so need to get it pronto! I sure hope it works wonders too! To end this post, here's a picture of my current family. Without my little girl yet of course!


  1. Omg babe, put cocoa butter! I thought I didn't need to cause at 36 weeks I didn't have stretchmarks, then it started with a tiny one on the left of my belly. By then, applying creams twice a day couldn't stop it, and now my belly looks like a tiger tried clawing it open, not even joking!

    Also, sudden dizziness is normal, I got it too, don't worry but don't fight it either, no matter where you are, just sit! On the floor, on a chair, on a random hobo, whatever! Although try to not sit on hobos, they don't appreciate it ( Might when it comes to you cause you're pretty though:D )


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