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Checkup at the Docs!

So yesterday was my monthly check up with my Doc to see if our baby is doing well, im doing well etc. Was so excited to go down to see Dr Heng (She's attached to Parkway East Hospital) because then i finally get to see my little ninja during the ultrasound scan! Only thing i wasn't looking forward to was taking my blood test. I can take tattoos, i like getting inked. But needles, i can't take needles.

Anyways, In December, i had to head down to the hospital to get a scan done. Think its called the 'Fetal Abnormality Scan', where they check if everything is growing at the proper rate, and all that jizz. So i collected the documents as well as the photos, though we couldn't get a 3D scan of her face because she absolutely refused to turn around to show her face on that day, so we don't have a frigging 3D scan. I'm quite bummed about that really. So the people at the hospital told me to make sure i bring it down to my next appointment visit with Dr Heng so she could explain to me everything on the documents. It's not anything bad, just that everything was in doctor terms, so i didn't understand anything. HAHA.

So anyways, when we entered the room to see wonderful Dr Heng, i passed her the docs and sat down with Sham. She then started to explain that everything of the baby is normal, the size is normal, brain, spine, hands, legs, heartbeat are all normal.

I quote, "Everything is normal, placenta is normal, Amniotic fluid normal, and the baby's sex is a BOY."

You can only imagine our faces when we heard her say that. So i asked her again,

Cheryl: Sorry Dr Heng, what did you say the sex of our baby is?

Dr Heng: A baby Boy. See that 'XY' there? That's a boy. *Continues smiling*

Sham: Are you sure it's a boy?

Cheryl: Yeah, are you sure??!

Dr Heng: Yeah, that's what it says, why? Were you told otherwise?

Cheryl: Yeah! You told us she's a girl! Now SHE'S A HE???

Dr Heng: Oh, come we check again, sometimes, the hospital makes mistakes. They type the wrong sex in by accident.


I was in shock, and clearly, Sham was too. Don't get us wrong, either ways, we're happy as long as its a healthy baby. But We didn't have a name, the clothes we had were in Pink and yellows and all that bright girlie colours! Can you imagine if we were one of those parents who have already gotten the baby room prepared? And everything was in PINK???!! AND ALL THE CLOTHES WERE FRILLY DRESSES???!!! OMGGG! THE STRESS!

So Dr Heng checked again, and said calmly, "Nope, she's still a girl, if i told you she was a girl before, then she's a girl. Hospital made a mistake, don't panic. Still a little girl." Sham made sure they called the hospital to inform them on the mistake they made. My goodness, i've been so paranoid! I had a dream months ago that she was a boy, and then, during one appointment, i was told she became a boy. So i was like, my dream! It's real! But no. Still a GIRL. But MAJOR SHOCKER!

I just had to text my mum who's currently in New Zealand that "She became a He" just to scare her, and she immediately called, and was all "Cheryl, you're not sad are you, you shouldn't be. Its a healthy baby still. Boy or girl, still a healthy baby. Don't sad. But what am i going to do with all this girl baby clothes i bought from NZ now?? Im coming home on Monday, i hope i can rush out and buy some boy clothes instead" It was hilarious! Scaring my mum like that. HAHAHAHA.

Oh another thing Dr Heng told me from the documents was that my cervical canal has opened up 2.4mm in length, and that a small amount of fluid was seen in the cervical canal, and that i should prepare for an early delivery. Im due on the 20th of April. So what does that mean? All my mummy friends, please let me know!! I need to know, is there things i shouldn't be doing anymore? My aunt told me i shouldn't walk too much, should just rest as much as possible. Please let me know your thoughts too. I look forward to hearing from you. :)


  1. Hey love, firstly, congrats on the pregnancy and your blog is amazing. With regards to your cervical canal opening up, I would recommend bed rest ie: staying in bed 24/7 and not do anything active until you are almost due. It might sound like BS or crap but honestly, it does work. I have 4 kids and my twins were born at 29weeks. Premature delivery is not fun for the parents or the baby. So enjoy this time and let your loved ones pamper you. I wish you all the best! Take care

  2. Hey there! Thank you so much for stopping by for a read! :) and thank you so much for your advice. My doc didn't mention anything but i'm worried, so i'll be heeding your advice, and going to be on the bed more. Again, thank you so much! :) Do leave your name next time! :)

  3. um, maybe you shouldn't get such "girly" stuff for a baby, then it won't be an issue what sex the baby is.

  4. Choco-cat has such WONDERFUL ideas.


  5. Hi, you should have your doctor run more tests. It is possible for an XY boy to look like a girl on the outside. There's a condition called Swyer Syndrome that has this combination.

  6. I had my doctor check at every ultrasound to make sure it was still a girl/boy during each of my pregnancies. I was so scared they would get it wrong!

  7. You lot made me LOL so loud. Thank you Choco-cat for your input. :) I've had my doc run more tests and she confirms that my baby is a girl indeed. The hospital accidently typed in the wrong sex for the baby. But really, either ways, im glad so long as my baby is strong and healthy, it doesnt matter if its a boy or a girl. A gift none the less right? :D

    My next check up would be on valentines day, So i'll be sure to check with my docs again if she's still a girl. :) Thank you all so much for your advices. It is much appreciated.


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